Saturday, April 01, 2006

best household cleaning product EVER, EVER, EVER!!!!

the mr. clean magic eraser is by FAR the BEST household cleaning product i've EVER used!!!!!!!

i first heard of this product when my co-worker was talking about how it got stains out of her uggs. she was raving about how good the magic eraser was on her stove and decided to try it on her uggs, since not even the uggs cleaner seemed to work. like i said before, i'm a huge fan of word-of-mouth, so while on my new jersey shopping bonanza trip with my friend, i retold the story of how great this mr. clean magic eraser thing apparently is. so we both got a trial size pack (one sponge) and the next morning, i got an email from my friend, "magic eraser IS DA SHIT!!!!! it got out all the stains on my countertop!!! I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTT!!!!"

unfortunately, i didn't take pictures of my stove when i used it, but believe you me, i was SOLD. there were stains caked on there for YEARS and i've tried scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing and nothing ever came out. well....the stove looks practically BRAND NEW now!

i just did the kitchen sink today and before you see the pictures, i SWEAR to you that i've tried and tried scrubbing before and just figured these grimy stains were just there forever, like it or not. i will tell you that i used NO OTHER CLEANING PRODUCT when i did this. JUST the magic eraser.

fyi -- i promise this nastiness was here before me!!

ring around drain before

drain catch pukey before (with ring thing cleaned)

OMG!!!! does it NOT look BRAND NEW???!!!!!!

i'm only sorry that i didn't take more before pictures...

not only does it do AMAZING things -- it's SO easy to use!!! you just wet it and squeeze out the excess water and "erase" away!!! there's no filmy grime and no soapy substance that wrings out of it.

this one will have a place in my new column that i'm creating because of it -- top recommended products.

send me my coupon -- you convinced me!


my obvious rating: :) :) :) :) :)