best poop deodorizer EVER!

your poop smells like a forest when you drop a drop of this ingenious japanese shit. my mom heard about this through my aunt, who heard about this through her friend, etc. i have NO idea what it says on the bottle, but all you need to know is that this stuff works. just drop a few drops before you drop a bomb and voila! smells like forest...

it's english name seems to be 'kobayashi powerful one drop'. i'm sure it's the same as the all-in-japanese bottle, but i'm a big fan of getting the original shit. so find yourself a japanese supermarket and go get one.
my rating= :) :) :) :) :)
this is the most hilarious post -ever-. i want to perform it as a monologue. i'll give you writing credit
i love it!! im so trying it :)
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