Sunday, July 23, 2006

best poop deodorizer EVER!

screw the lysol spray shit, matches and/or candles! the kobayashi toilet deodorizer drops RULE!

your poop smells like a forest when you drop a drop of this ingenious japanese shit. my mom heard about this through my aunt, who heard about this through her friend, etc. i have NO idea what it says on the bottle, but all you need to know is that this stuff works. just drop a few drops before you drop a bomb and voila! smells like forest...

here's a picture of what it looks like in the packaging, so you know what to shop for. you can get it in japanese supermarkets and i suppose searching on the internet might do the trick. my mom gets it in hawaii (daiei, marukai) on sale for $3/regular price $4. i've only seen it for $6 or $7 here in new york. whatever the cost, it is definitely worth it. especially for the shy woman who doesn't want her boyfriend to know that she takes dumps just like him.

it's english name seems to be 'kobayashi powerful one drop'. i'm sure it's the same as the all-in-japanese bottle, but i'm a big fan of getting the original shit. so find yourself a japanese supermarket and go get one.

my rating= :) :) :) :) :)


Blogger j said...

this is the most hilarious post -ever-. i want to perform it as a monologue. i'll give you writing credit

1:52 AM  
Blogger Marissa said...

i love it!! im so trying it :)

10:57 PM  

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