Wednesday, December 15, 2004


how the hell are you supposed to look cute for an interview when it's friggin 2 degrees outside??!!! (okay, it's really 22, but still...) and cute, yes i know, you're not supposed to be "cute" for an interview, but you know what i mean... i can't be looking like an eskimo.

you know it's cold when you walk your dog and when she barks you see that ... what do you call it... that puff of hot meets cold... is there an official term for it? i must've looked retarded when i smirked/giggled to myself when i saw that (not that i care)...

oh well. here goes. i'll just freeze. i guess. at least i'm not nervous anymore. maybe i'll bring up the weather in the interview(s). ever notice how whenever you're in elevators, the weather is always the topic of conversation? at least that's how my experiences have been -- 9 out of 10, i would say (i'm sure i'm sometimes the culprit of it -- just to break the awkward you're-my-neighbor-and-i-should-acknowledge-that-but-i-still-don't-know-anything-about-you moment(s).


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