Monday, January 16, 2006


i'm not sure what the work environment is like for you all out there, but for me, it was PREEEEEETY BAD. to probably MOST of you, this "change" may not sound so drastic, but it's a whollllleee new world for me!!! :)

besides, the 8:30 (!!!!!!!!!) - 5:30 hours, this new place is so dope!

boss: our policy is, if you stay here for lunch, we pay for it.

me thoughts: AWESOME! so not only are you paying me more, but now i don't even have to spend money on lunch????!!!! i'll stay for lunch ALLL the time!

boss at 6:00: oh my god! it's 6! go home girls!!!!!

me thoughts: omg! LEAVE at 6?? i don't know what to do with all my spare time now!!!!!! coooooooll!!!!!

i know it's not much, but for's A LOT. that's how ABUSED i was!!!

it's not just those two things, but i'm not going to list everything. i just had to express how much i feel like a free bird!!! maybe i'll blog about how abused i was so you can understand why these minute things make me so happy.


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