Thursday, June 30, 2005

i heart jury duty!!!!!

pick me! pick me!

I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO PAY ME!!! what? guilty? okay. GUILTY. what? not guilty? okay. NOT GUILTY. what? morals? i'll go against them if it means me not going to the office to be a slave. fine by fucking me.

i'll be the best juror EVER, i promise!!!!!!!! save me!!!!

i had a lunch break today. WOW. what's that? whole new fucking world. AND! i finally got to catch up on reading and have maybe 15 pages left of 'the alchemist'!!!!!! :) and i sat in the park. and people watched with my ipod on (one of my favorite things to do). and went undiewear shopping at century 21. FUN! and got dismissed at 2:45!!! :)

OF COURSE, i could've gone into the office, but the way i look at it, i fucking DESERVE to have the afternoon off.

so i'm going to start cleaning as soon as i'm done blogging.




Blogger Kiki said...

I've never got to do jury duty. I am officially jealous by the sounds of it.

2:55 PM  
Blogger Janet said...

I just went to jury duty for the 2nd time a few months ago. I had quite the opposite experience though as I was bored out of my skull. I think it would have helped if I had purchased the mp3 player BEFORE going, instead of after.:(

1:42 PM  
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