Tuesday, December 21, 2004

backing up & falling down

hey! that sounds like an accurate description of how i "dance"!!!! :) ha ha. nah, i'm not that off. i got rythym yo... no seriously, i do. :) although it's hard for me to "dance" all serious & shit. i more try to make people crack up (i've actually made someone lose their drunkerdness from laughing too hard. although, she wasn't too happy that i made her sober......). anyway, i like to "dance" at bowling alleys (only the cosmic bowl ones), at the foosball table when i'm WINNING (or losing, but the dances are more fun when i'm winning), & to ghetto FANTAB-U-LOUS music... or just because..

ANYWAY. so backing up -- well, that's what the hell i'm trying & been trying to do before i take off..... my fricken compooter wants me to kill myself so i'm doing just that for it because i love my mac *oh* so much. lucky bastard -- otherwise, i'd kick him to the curb already... the buggah* needs to be re-installed.. crapper... oh well. oh and what's funny is that i'm backing up all my music before any (of my all illegal) programs!!! hello...... interesting....

and falling down... well, THE FRICKEN CEILING FELL DOWN TODAY!!! *itch! right on top of my ancient older-than-anybody-living-today sewing machine. i came home thinking the dog did something bad. oops... well, i'm sooo making them pay for a fixing. it needed one before that happened anyway, so at least i can *blame* them now. :) heh heh. okay, and no, not the ENTIRE ceiling, but a good portion of it. it was raining (okay, really dripping) in here last night. yeah -- FUN times. the dingaling landlord needs to call me back, that fricker. better call me soon....


*buggah: This could be a guy, girl, or thing. Connotation could be a friend or pest, depending on the tone of voice and how the word is being used.


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