Friday, March 04, 2005

spreading my illness on the plane

they have maui tacos at newark airport...a bit scary

i don't know if i could trust...the last time i went to maui tacos in ny, i had their fish tacos and oh...let me just say that they ARE NOT THE SAME. i think i actually felt sick after...i'd rather not know what kind of fish they use...

empty sad that there is no one traveling to hawaii -- they DEPEND on tourism....

rafts are the best EVER!!!!!!!!!!

how do you know that you want to become a coconut tree trimmer (dude had to literally climb the tree) "when you grow up?"

apple bananas (obviously not ripe yet)

it took me awhile to be able to eat regular bananas, as i never really did until i moved to ny. and i wouldn't even finish them at first for a LONG time because they suck so much in comparison to apple bananas. these are seriously the BEST bananers EVER.


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