Friday, December 24, 2004

THE sister dunnit

and this is what happens when the sister comes around. i promise i had nothing to do with this, i think it's sick, wrong, twisted, & it's abuse but...

...they look... so-oooooo happy... don't they.........

about the sis: she's 9 years older but acts 15 years younger.... she is probably the one person (maybe the only) that can put me in an ill mood in about a second and a half.

let me just tell you A story (there are sooo many):

(i am presently the brokest bitch EVER)

this story takes place over a couple days of telephone conversations:

[enter: SUPER annoying voice -- think of the most annoying voice and times that by 10]

satan: so what do you want to get dad?

[enter: voice that everyone i know laughs at the second they hear it, because they immediately know that it's her on the other end]

angel: i don't know, i'm infamously late anyway so i'm not really worried about it and i'm so poor right now that i'll just get him something later

satan: well, we have to get him something

angel: you can get him whatever you want, don't worry about me

(she called me the next day & pretty much repeated the same EXACT conversation, as she doesn't listen at ALL, even when she's the one asking)

[next conversation]

satan: so i called mom and she said to just give dad $20, so do you want to do $10 and $10?

angel: [APPALLED face] eew! NO! GET HIM WHATEVER YOU WANT. don't worry about me!

satan: well, you know, i was just thinking about *you* and i'm trying to make it easier for *you* (total bullshit -- she's just the cheapest BASTARD in the ENTIRE universe & is totally trying to USE me as an excuse to make it okay to be a cheap bastard to her own father...).

let me just tell you something -- girl (i say girl because she is far from a grown woman) was living with her boyfriend (now ex) for .... maybe 3 years and never paid a penny in rent, just the ooh-big-deal conEd bill (she canceled the cable & internet the second she moved in since her only responsibility was paying the fucking utitlity bills)... WELL, she pretty much told me 3 days prior to this conversation that she had $20K saved up... but riiiiiiiggghghghghght.... you can only spend $10 on your dad.... can we say B-I-T-C-H......????

angel: JEN -- just because i'm poor, it doesn't mean that you can't get him something nice.

oh.. shocker... i ended up yelling at her... AGAIN... i never not yell at her, i think... and to think i was actually considering the thought of letting her move in with me -- but that's a whole 'nother story. oh the stories i could tell. i could blog about her for the rest of my life (and still be blogging about her dead in my grave).....


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