Saturday, March 12, 2005

porky pig

yours truly is TRULY a porker. truly. i had to switch out my little suitcase for my mom's big suitcase so that i could fit ALL MY FOOD.... :) i swear to god i probably brought back at least $300 worth of food home with me -- probably closer to $400, to be honest. (and if the suitcase weight limit didn't go down to 50 pounds from 75, i would've brought back MORE. and btw, 50 pounds is such a bullshit weight limit -- you can BARELY pack anything for 50 pounds, don't you agree?) i had so much food that i almost had to mail my clothes home. can't help it if i love good food. i mean, is that such a bad thing? i don't think so. :)

although it wasn't all that much fun to pull my 62.5 and 50.5 pound suitcases full of food up the stairs, even if it was only one flight... BUT...i came to the conclusion that it was a good thing that my name was on the "government security watch list" because it provided as a distraction for my overweight suitcase. :)

here's a conversation i had at the airport:

woman: what time is it?

me: 9:23 [p.m.]

woman: one hour left. do you go to church?

me: no.

woman: you should go to church. i go to church. i'm christian. you should start. go to church this sunday.

me: [freaked out smile] yeah....

saved by a phone call from my sister.


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