Thursday, March 10, 2005

accountant revisted

so i finally did it, i called my accountant. and just like i predicted she would, she yelled at me (in a nice way). in fact, this is how the phone call went:

accountant: jackie, can i start by yelling at you?

me: um. yeah, i know, i told you you would. of course you can.

accountant: you sure?

me: yes...

accountant: okay good. [yelling]

well, she's got some nice yelling, if that's what she calls "yelling"...

though i did get a compliment. :) she and a colleague complimented me on how organized i am. so at least there's that, right? :) i'm not such a nightmare after all.

anyway, THANK GOD accountants exist. i mean, what would we do without them? i didn't think i'd get anything back and i wrote in my letter to her, "do whatever you can so that i don't get audited." so she told me, "we don't want you to get audited and i see that you obviously know that you could. we're going to get you back everything without getting audited." FABULOUS! LOVE her.

and guess what, they'll (my returns) be waiting for me when i get back to sign at the x and mail away and all before april 15th. :)

wanna know something sick though? after tabulating all of my receipts (it took me about 2 whole days) for 2004, i found that i spent 3x as much as i made (rent & utilities included)!!!


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