Saturday, April 02, 2005

fuckin awesome

i just read the most fucking awesome shit on a blog. (yes, at 8 fucking 40 in the morning on a bitch of rainy saturday -- my friend sleptover & she had to get back to jersey so she could get to work on time. meaning -- she woke up SUPER early. left at like 7 am and the rain sorta woke me up, too.)

N-E-WAY. sorry. (blah blah blah again, what's new...) i found the funniest shit. '50 things you MAY not have known about living hawaii kine shit.' FUN-E. i've told the author that i just might have to copy him. :p although, i don't think mines (yes that added -s is a hawaii thing, not jackie-is-stupid AND just be happy i didn't say minesES) will be as funny. i'll link to it later when i'm a little more um......awake??


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