Monday, March 21, 2005

piss-y girl

i'm trying to build up my tolerance for liquids -- FUN times............... i don't drink enough water and have been criticized by ENOUGH people to know that i should do something about it.

WELL!!! the reason i DON'T drink a well of water a day is because my loser fucking body can't hold any of it in!!!! i piss like a million times a day. SERIOUSLY. i know i can't get that 8 fucking glasses in my body everyday so i'm trying to be a little better by buying that fricken 1.5 liter bottle in the morning and hope that i can finish it by the time i go to bed.

motherbitch. do i piss a LOT. i mean, i thought it was a problem before but lordie lord. i'm sure my co-workers think i have a disease! i swear my ass walks to that cramped, icky bathroom like every 10 minutes. bejeezus!!!!

"you need to build up your tolerance, jackie. you need to drink more water."

BLAH BLAH BLAH. fuck me for listening. fucking shit. stupid water. stupid crappy bladder system of mine. what for? doesn't work, obviously. the thing is broken. all is do is piss piss piss. piss. and piss. and piss piss. and pissa pissa piss.


going to play foosball now. :)


Blogger Marissa said...

hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah....hahahahahaha....ahahahahah. you crack me up. seriously. this is the first thing i read this morning - now how can i not be in a good mood the rest of the day? you're hilarious.

9:45 AM  
Blogger Rex Venom said...

You sure sound…(wait for it)…Pissed Off! Ha! Man, am I a funny guy or what?

10:43 AM  

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