Friday, April 08, 2005


and this is me trying to kill myself:


i've always wanted to be "athletic"... even wanted to join the army just so i could go to boot camp and shape up (and then quit). ummmm.....YEAH.... well -- i *think* you have to work out to be athletic, right? i could be wrong, but i swear it involves all that huffing & puffing & stuffs (yes, i know, the -s) -- all that garb. oh well. obviously, just in my dreams. :)

anyway, so miss i'd-rather-die-than-make-myself-exert-any-sort-of-energy ACTUALLY did this bike tour. TWICE! granted, the first year took me SEVEN fucking painful ass-hurtin' hours, but the second year i improved tremendously to THREE hours!!! :) and the third -- well -- registered but it was "raining" that day... uh huh... yep... RAINING. RAINING. hard. yeah.

as much as i just absolutely LOVE that bike ride, i have prom the night before! so guess my fat ass can sit this one out. maybe next year.



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