addendum to my '99 things'
1. if you make me feel bad/guilty enough, i'll submit.
2. and that's the reason why i'm doing an addendum for the 30 of the 99 that i bullshitted with.....
3. i was a dj at fit. i had an oldies show.
4. being an oldies geek is even better when you find out there's someone equally as oldies-geeky as you. i've only heard about her & our many similarities and then one day.....i FINALLY worked with her (at chuck e. cheese) and we've been friends since.
5. i was a kleptomaniac. even got arrested for it. and this is what my bratty ass said to my parents when i got picked up from the police station: "i only stole because you never buy me anything!" WOAH! FUCKING BRAT! yikes.
6. i'm so honest that it gets me into trouble.
7. my mom & my sister weren't talking for YEARS. i MADE them make-up. and now my sister gets jealous if i DARE mention that "mom called." so i keep the whole "mom talk" on the down-low.
8. my mom, it's safe to say, HATED the sister and it was really obvious growing up. this is probably why she is the way she is. but it's hard to feel sorry for someone that is an imbecile at 35 (going on 36).
9. i don't think i'll ever be rich because i would just spend all my money on my loved ones. i'm a very generous person -- probably too generous.
10. i'm the BEST secret keeper EVER!
11. i'm probably the biggest dork you'll ever meet.
12. the girls i work with use me to get stuff from other people in the office.
13. actually, everybody uses me, now that i think about it. but it's only because, you know, NOBODY can resist my...*charm*. hee hee. :)
14. my dog dribbles when she gets excited. and is VERY snobby/picky about who she decides to "like." and is the cutest chihuahua EVER!
15. i always say that "it's always been my plan to end up in california." but the thought of leaving ny is so incomprehensible, i wonder if i'll ever be ready to leave.
16. i have *many* food/drink weaknesses: caramel macchiato, krispy kreme, jamaican beef patties, emack & bolio's, beard papa's cream puffs, ALL hawaiian food(s), coconut rice (from ruby foo's), soy chai tea latte, yummy coconut ice stuff from those dominican ice carts on the l.e.s. and some other places (no, not the same as the italian ice carts), jack-in-the-box: curly fries w/buttermilk dressing, barq's root beer, stewart's root beer, CHEEEEEEEESE, san loco's guaco loco, ALLLLL sweets, and many, many more...
17. i wanted to be a food critic. actually, i still think it'd be the *coolest* job EVER. get paid to eat?! HELLO.......
18. i suppose that would mean i'd have to extend my vocabulary to include words that go beyond EVER and AWESOME and BEST and SUPER and FABULOUS and AND and UM. oh and i'd have to stop using FUCK. i should try that for a day. i bet you a million buckaroos i couldn't do it...
19. i make up words ALL the time.
20. i add -ie to EVERYTHING.
21. my dad *spoiled* me to no end.
22. i'm still spoiled, but i'm not a brat.
23. i'm a very appreciative person, all thanks to my mom and her drilling it in my head to say "thank you" for EVERYTHING.
24. i was an expert at tree-climbing. i was a bit of a monkey, i guess.
25. i have no shame. that's what the girls i went to high school with & i (10 of us) called ourselves ("no shame") for our "page" for our senior year yearbook.............
26. i over-exaggerate EVERYTHING.
27. i had a million crushes on a million boys in high school and only a few boyfriends. but the second they annoyed me (usually in a month's time or LESS), i dumped them. there wasn't anything there beyond the eye candy appeal...
28. i never used to go to school and was the "go to" girl for the "excused absence" passes.
29. the only drug i've EVER done was marijuana.
30. i've never smoked a cigarette in my life.
Hahahaha I'M AN OLDIES GEEK TOO!!!! I love oldies! hahahaha
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