Monday, May 23, 2005

you make me wanna hump you

you're like dumb and dumber [when you dance], but it's awesome.

if i have someone to be dumb, and i (am permanently) dumber (i'm fucked, really), you sure as hell are gonna get EXACTLY that (and even if i don't, i'll still do it, but having a dumb makes it all the more funner!). let's be honest here, i can barely SPEAK without laughing -- how the hell do you think i'm gonna "dance?" not SERIOUSLY, that's for sure. i prefer laughter, thank you very much.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

So my nickname is "dumb?" how did I get shafted on that one?? Why not meat stick, diesel, east village rapist, or little johnny dancer? maybe my nickname should be dumb if this posting isn't even about me....

11:02 AM  

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