Wednesday, February 23, 2005

sun, sand & friends

in a week, i will get my ass out of my i-am-one-pathetic-fuck state. or at least, i hope so. flying 11 hours in the hopes of regaining my old self. this is where i'll be going every single day that i am there, weather permitting:

ko olina resort

me + ko olina lagoon(s) + raft + friends + cooler full of drinkies & FOOD + music + mat (that i need to remember to pack) + sand to buff my dry & tired feet (i miss not being able to buff my feet in the sand) + sun + those kona winds that i *oh* so miss = one refreshed & happy jackie

if i weren't so fat right now, i'd do before & after pictures -- to show you just how dark i can get. i was one dark kid, i tell ya. i ain't got hawaiian in me for nothin'....

i'll post some pictures with my *new* camera phone... :) speaking of which -- THANK god for infrared.... do you know that i manually entered all the a's - g's into my phone?!!! because sprint doesn't have sim cards... ugh... but then...... i discovered the magical infrared!!!! woo hoo!!!! (of course, i wanted to beat myself at this point) the rest was a breeze... :)


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