Thursday, February 17, 2005

electric toothbrushes

are amazing!!! i HIGHLY recommend you get one. working at bs, i was skeptic that my co-workers were just trying to sell the stupid thing to get more money. i mean, the fricken thing isn't cheap...

so anyway, i saw the famed toothbrush at costco, probably a slight step up from the one at bs and HALF the price, of course.

WELL....i am a FIRM believer in the electric!!!! OMG! from the very FIRST time i used the thing my teeth felt soooooo cleanER!!!! stacy & lani kept trying to tell me years ago to get one but i'm a blah friend and never listened... well, now i'm being stacy & lani and telling YOU all to get one!!! they are the bestest things EVER. BEST! EVER! and you CAN travel with them too, so not to worry. fully charged, they last for 45 minutes w/o recharging (or at least the one that i have).

anyway, run out and get yours now! now! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

An electric toothbrush is definitely not cheap but it is really good to have this experience. I believed that it is for lazy people until I used it myself. Its an awesome experience!!!

10:48 AM  

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