Monday, March 14, 2005

it pays to be nice

and this is the reward i get for being a nice, decent person.

i got this email from my ex boss (that FIRED me)/teacher/what not:

HI JAckie

I just gave your resume to a friend , her name is Ivette, let me know
how it turns out.

clearly people believe in me -- if only i could carry that same belief that everyone has for me in myself... !!!!

my cousin, who is a senior designer for a fashion company, ALWAYS calls ME for portfolio advice when she's preparing for job interviews. being a senior designer, you wouldn't think she'd even bother to ask her scatterbrainola/retarded/good-for-nothing/lolo* cousin that's worked in the fashion industry for a MONTH before she got fired for EMAILING...

i think it's gonna take a miracle for me to start believing in myself. thank god there's everyone else. so thank you, all my fantabulous lovelies -- clearly i'd be in the gutter if it weren't for you all. :)


*lolo: stupid


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