Thursday, February 24, 2005

new job

i have a new job.

no, not a paying one.

i have proclaimed it my duty to photograph all atrocities that come my way. for instance -- today i saw this woman wearing BABY PINK VELVET pants, a faux mink jacket & was carrrying a PRIMARY ORANGE handbag. UMMMMMM...yeah... if only the woman didn't turn left (something derek zoolander can't do) into starbucks, i would've gotten that shot. i wasn't quick enough.... [dammit!!!]

so yes, this is my new job. :) and i don't have to keep this one a secret from you. i'm sure you'll actually be quite amused -- as long as i come across at least one stupid person a day. :)


Blogger Mindi said...

Yay! I love stupid people! Can't wait for the first installment.

4:21 PM  
Blogger Marissa said...

I am WAY too excited right now...

4:34 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...

I will definitely be amused. Can't wait...

4:53 PM  

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