Tuesday, January 04, 2005


even though i tell people (or used to) on a daily basis what the clear & white diet consists of, somehow i still found myself struggling to find yummies to eat. fortunately, my colleague & i planned to go to... oh! guess what it is.... drumroll please... oh! did you get it? (if you didn't, then i have to say either a) you don't know me at all, b) you don't read my blog or c) you're dumb. oh wait, one more -- or d) you have a sad life if a or b applies to you. ha ha. just joking.)

that's right bitches, L & L baby. :) I heart L & L FOREVER. (and ever and ever and ever)

so it was kinda like starving myself so i could grind* my entire dinner and not have any leftovers more than it was to obey the "don't stain your teeth with colored food" rules for 24 hours (which is why i strategically planned to get my teeth done in time for L & L). and my colleague (who is also from hawaii) was also starving himself for the oh-so-worth-every-fucking-starving-difficult-shitty-painful-hungry-second. so at least we could suffer together.

before we left, i purchased 4 aloha maid drinkies for me fridge (you know, i gotta make my fridge happy too):

the girl at the register i think knows me now. uh oh. the recognition on her face and her smirk when she saw me bring up the 4 cans (if i had it my way i'd buy a whole fucking case).... oh boy. she was probably thinking, "oh, that's the girl that got pissed when we only had the diet iced tea. also, the same girl that got overly excited with her friend when they saw the delivery guy rolling in the cases of aloha maid cans. and also the girl that comes here waaay too often. and the girl that laughs AT (and i mean AT) our restaurant with her tita** (she wouldn't really know this word) friend, faye, every single time. what a bitch. maybe i should ask her her name. or not. maybe she's crazy. she must be if she comes here to eat this crap all the time." though, she did give me an i-know-you smile, so maybe she appreciates my presence. i don't know.

anyway, my stommy is super happy right now.

and yes, that makes it 8. and counting. don't you worry. hey -- maybe they'll make a spot in the guiness for me. :)

here's a refresher if you've never read up my blog on L & L:

the blog


*grind: to eat

**tita (tit-uh): a very tough girl, a girl that thinks she's a guy

(no, faye does NOT think she's a guy)


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