Friday, February 11, 2005

bestest friend EVER

yours truly has done well. very well. i used all but 28 minutes.... :) what a good friend indeed. :)

i'd just like to make a few complaints totally off subject:

coffee pots:

wtf. where the FUCK do they get these "three scoops for every four cups" -- when the shit is done brewing, it's NOT 4 cups, but rather the equivalent to 2 CUPS. or, if you like those jumbo-sized cups, ONE. so WHERE on earth do they get these standard "cup" sizes. i mean, seriously. who do you know that drinks an actual 1-cup serving of coffee according to the stupid pot? anyone? ANYONE? no, right? no. IM-possible. (okay, and no, it's not the equivalent of a "cup," i just checked with my cute little measuring cup and poured it into my coffee pot. mmmm.....NOPE, not the same. in fact, 2 cups of water = the what would be 3 1/3 cup line on my coffee pot so what does THAT mean??)

and now to serving sizes for EVERYTHING:

they are THE most UNrealistic bullshit crap sizings EVER! yes, i'm a fat pig, but do you really want to make me feel even fatTER by making me realize that i HAVE to double your "serving size" EVERY TIME in order to be half-satisfied??? i mean, come on... what bull. could we please increase that totally unrealistic "serving size" crap... l&l's serving size must be about 10 according to this "standard." such bull. bull. bull. bull. what crackhead prick made that up anyway?

oh and then comes my favorite:

"i'm a vegan/vegetarian"

WELL WHY THE FUCK DO YOU EAT FAKE MEAT???!!!! am i the only one that thinks that sounds ludicrous? or explain to me, if you will, of why i'm being a jackass for thinking so... i mean, it's just, when i was a "vegetarian" [thoughts running in my head: good lord! wtf! ick. what a fucking stupid moronic youngen i was. IDIOT! i cringe when i have to admit that i thought i was a!!!], i DID NOT eat fake meat. i thought it was hypocritical and if you're gonna ixnay on the animals, then how is it okay to eat fake animals? really? and not only that, but the thought of eating anything that resembled animals really kind of repulsed me. could someone just explain it to me, i'm just not smart enough to get it. thanks much.

i should really make this a new post because i could go OFF on this topic -- in regards to ixnaying all animal products. FYI -- they are used in EVERYthing. let's just say, even if you *think* there's no leather/animals involved, TRUST ME, I would know, that there indeed IS. sometimes you just can't always SEE it. okay, so maybe i will do a new post. not now, but soon.


Blogger nanoking said...

I've been vegan for 6 years and have no problem eating faux meat. A sandwich is a very functional way to eat food. Slices of soy/wheat protein work just as well as deli slices. Baked tofu cutlet takes the same form on a plate as a meat cutlet. Since everybody eats protein and all protein is composed of the same amino acids it's not surprising that the retail products end up looking and even tasting the same.

There's no conflict when you stop wrapping up identity or value with food. I maintain activity level Y which requires calorie intake X. Science tells me what protein, carbs, fats amounts to eat. Ethics give me the selection of foods from which to choose.

4:08 PM  

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