Thursday, January 06, 2005


it all started with a "harappie neuyarrr." text message from kevin & now i'll be seeing him in march! :) yay! he'll be going to paris & stopping in ny for a day so of course, i offered up my bed & breakfast, as it's available (well, it always is) when he comes in! oh wait -- let's correct that. i don't make breakfast. but i can get it. well, then yeah, so it's still a bed & breakfast. :)

i should make an official sign. seeing as i'm bed & breakfast-ing to lani + 2 next weekend. and hopefully in february, my parents. and sometime in march, brad too (although i still don't believe that one's gonna happen -- he's been telling me he's "going to visit" for YEARS). so fun. i love hosting anyway. i pretty much have an open door policy. for instance -- i haven't seen (or really talked to, until friendster/myspace came along) kevin since... let's see... since he last showered with girls at my fit dorm. and that was um. maybe 7 years ago!!!! wow. and before that, it was probably my send-off at the airport. (on a side note -- funny thing is, about 30 minutes prior to his text, i left him a comment on myspace: "when are you coming back to ny? i promise i won't make you shower with stupid dorm girls. but i will hug you 'til no end because i miss my huggies from you!!!!!!!!!!!! :(" and no, he didn't see this before texting me.)

i wish i still had pictures of that [my send-off], i think i do in hawaii -- reason being is so that i could scan them and show proof of how loving hawaii people are. i had about THIRTY people at the airport saying goodbye to me.

oh and back to the point of this blog. well, not sure what the "point" was but um. yeah! i'm excited to see kevin.


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