i can't believe that my potagee mout* hasn't written a blog in what... THREE days??? AMAZING!!! (WORLD RECORD!!!!!
MUST be recorded in the books...SERIOUSLY.) wow. well, maybe it's because i have nothing interesting to say (then again, do i EVER?)...
you know what i'll say, here's what i'll say: it is sooo fucking BIZARRO to actually *work* at work, to the point where i can't even check my emailses** (and that is actually pretty painful). and what? i actually have REAL responsibilities? you mean, if that comes back defective, it's MY fault and my fault ONLY? yikes!
i'm guessing i can't shop at the stock room like i used to at XXX. that's actually a MAJOR bummer. oh especially the unlimited tampon supply (and crap, now i can't even visit to rob that tampon drawer because of the 9-5 hours!!!). *oh boy* do i
miss that. i think my bank account felt the hit from quitting that job. i mean what the fuck -- i have to PAY for all this office shit now? are you fucking KIDDING me??? what shit!
in fact, let me give you an example of a day at my old job:
9:15 - 9:30: get in
9:15/9:30 - 10:30: email, imdb, say hi to ml, mk, am, fm, ah, cg, lb, & jl (i hope i'm not forgetting anyone, i apologize if i am -- if i'm forgetting you, let me know & i'll stick you in). sometimes hang out at the water cooler or the mailboxes for
more chit chat.
10:30 - 10:45: coffee break in kitchen
10:45 - 12:00: play in photoshop for
my stuff; time where me & at (a. t. is a person) laugh at (at as in at, not a. t. the person) crap. sorry, i'll repeat that, as i'm sure that was confusing: time where me & a. t. laugh at crap.
12:00 - 1:00: LUNCH! yay! fun girlie girl talk time
1:00 - 1:30: get reacquainted with my situation (yes, exactly, WHAT situation?)
1:30 - 3:00: IF there's work to do, this is when i would do it. if not, i just go back to playing in photoshop OR print out beautiful copies of shit for myself on the $14,000 printer.
3:00 - 4:00: yikes. food coma crash time. hmmm... oh! i think i hear the vending machine calling me! time to round up the vending machine crew -- usually me (OF COURSE, because i'm a fat pig, remember?), mk & ml. then we talk a bit. before it was removed from the budget, we used to go to tea time (but i think that was way back before mk & ml's time).
4:00 - 5:00: wind down the work day time. emailses**. say goodbye to all aforementioned so that i can book it at 5, rather than 5:15.
5:00 AND NOT A SECOND LATER: ever seen 'about schmidt?' well, that part where jack nicholson stares at the clock & waits for the second hand to hit 5 & then IMMEDIATELY walks out the door? yep, that was ME!
and if you think for ONE second that i'm joking about any of this, i am NOT. swear on my new fabulous apartment set up.
and now you know why i was so
dedicated to this job. what a nice life, huh? and to all my peeps at XXX, just don't read this blog in front of all the you-know-who's. tanks, ah!***
*potagee mout (poh-tah-gi mowt): someone that talks too much (or doesn't know how to shut up); referencing to portugese people, as they are known for talking too much (at least the potageeses** that live in hawaii)
**adding of the
s or
es when not necessary: very typical of the people of hawaii to pluralize EVERYTHING (most times not knowing that it is NOT necessary)
***tanks, ah!: thank you very much